(Part One)
The ‘covid crisis’ seems at last to be receding in the rear-view mirror. Much of the world has breathed a sigh of relief and declared itself unwilling to hear any more about the subject which tormented us for three long years.
There is however, an elephant in the room. (We’ll come to the one in the womb in just a moment, for it is very much more positive and hopeful). The elephant in the room, with apologies to those who have ‘had enough’, is big and grey and unavoidable:
It ain’t over.
The reasons that it ain’t over are numerous: Disturbingly, excess deaths in countries around the world remain very high - in some countries higher than they were at the height of the pandemic,1 and nobody is quite sure why. There continue to be disturbing reports2 about rising levels of miscarriage and infant death, as well as falling fertility rates - and the cause of those things too remains uncertain. We see huge increases of mental health problems (especially in children), alarming figures for myocarditis and ‘sudden adult death syndrome’. A colossal transfer of wealth toward the top of the pyramid has taken place, and is ongoing - most specifically to small, powerful elites that were involved, from the very beginning, in the pandemic decision-making processes.3
The past three years have driven into focus a broader crisis, with older roots. A crisis of politics, ideology, institutional malaise, disinformation, social confusion and conflict, wild-fire technological development and more. One that has the potential - whether in the near-term or a little further into the future - to develop into a horror story of a type and magnitude without precedent. And nonetheless, one in which the pandemic and its politics and origins have had a very central role.
In the midst of the horror stories however, something is in gestation in society. Something big. Something good. Without naively suggesting that we are on the verge of overthrowing all the threats that assail us, we are undoubtedly witnessing the beginning of a seismic shift in human consciousness. Deep ground-swells of awareness and resolve such as the one developing in people now, have always emerged in the face of adversity, and have many times before propelled human social evolution to new levels.
On one side, political wrangling about what happened and where to go next has intensified steadily, and become entangled with other issues, from the possibility of ‘climate lockdowns’ to the supposed ‘dangers of free speech’, to the ‘exciting broader possibilities of mRNA technologies’ - over which both governments and pharmaceutical companies appear to be salivating. On the other, there has been a torrent of revelations building steadily, and increasingly making visible, for those who will see, ‘the hidden horrors’ behind ‘the visible horrors’.
One thing it ain’t is ‘over’.
A precedent has now been accepted by a large part of the population, that the government (both official and unofficial) can when it chooses, lock us in our homes, forbid us from operating our businesses, from going to school, or to church, or to the pub. That it can withhold the truth when it decrees that we will not react ‘properly’ to it, suspend the rule of law with impunity, and impose experimental medical procedures on us. But as new revelations have continued to pour out, so has public action and resolve surged in response. Both the revelations and the responses are so extensive it would be impossible to come even close to listing them all here. A general illustration will have to suffice:
Revelations from ‘lab leak’ to American back-door funding of the activities in Wuhan, from ‘the Twitter files’4 to the vast web of financial conflicts-of-interest, to the increasing flood of scientific studies showing that non-vaccine based treatment regimes did work, and lockdowns and mask didn’t, and literally hundreds of others, have seeded a vast and growing response from both courageous professionals and the general public.
These range from a series of new, independent medical networks, operating independently of the corrupting influence of both governments and 'big pharma',5 through a building number of legal actions6 to the small number of brave parliamentarians in the UK, Australia, Canada and elsewhere,7 who are standing up and confronting the organised denial of their peers.
Further, vaccine rollouts are in many places coming to an end,8 fines levied on individuals for ‘non-compliance’, are in some places being repaid, and employees sacked for declining vaccines are in some American states being re-instated with back-pay. Potential new legislations and court judgements have been emerging which may curtail some of the recent excesses.9
But above all of these stand the many millions of ordinary citizens who are resolutely sustaining their quest, already three years old, to see behind the ‘smoke and mirrors’: Ever-growing numbers of people no longer assume that the institutions which run the world tell them the truth, or are concerned with their best interests. Admittedly that is many millions out of many billions, but at least the numbers are going in the right direction - and noticeably.
Yet while good news and progress genuinely is bubbling up, the horrors are manifold, and are amplified by the way they hide and masquerade as other things. There is growing evidence of constant and systematic lying by governments, pharmaceutical companies and media outlets. And of propaganda in schools and movies and everywhere else that it is possible to put propaganda - all of it reflecting a ‘social engineering’ mentality founded on the idea of that human beings are ‘programmable’ (and therefore, ultimately ‘ownable’). One can hardly overstate how daunting the situation is, or how far there is to go. Indeed, it is because of the extremity of the challenge that, deep in the womb of society, an elephant grows. Let’s call it a ‘counter-elephant’: If the ongoing excess deaths and revelations of deception are ‘The Elephant in the Room’, the big and obvious issue that so many seek to politely walk around as if it wasn’t there, then ‘The Elephant in the Womb’ is the great, strong and noble response to that, growing within what I would like to call ‘true society’ - by which I mean the brave members of the ordinary (extraordinary?) citizenry, and certain individuals fighting a lonely fight within government, who are operating with integrity outside the web of vested interests and agendas that has otherwise coalesced, and who will not allow the issues to be ignored.
Our elephant is being born into a hostile world precisely because that hostile world has called it forth. As is ever the case, the worse the horrors, and the worse the odds of overcoming them, the greater the courage and resolve which tends to manifest in the people.
The horrors that are developing are manifold, and amplified by the way they hide and masquerade as other things: It has been said that World War Three would be fought not on a battlefield, but in the mind. That is where we are.
And there are many other symptoms and causes for concern:
With the World Economic Forum (widely supported by its many globalist acolytes) pushing forward its slogan ‘You will own nothing, and you will be happy’ (or else!), a thousand actions small and large, all over the world, coincidentally converge to make populations poorer and powers wealthier. The agenda to deploy technology more and more in service of surveillance, indoctrination, ‘social engineering’, ‘social credit scoring’, and the removal of all individual control over money and resources becomes clearer and clearer. America fights a proxy war against Russia with Ukrainians taking the casualties on their behalf. It makes vast profits for its arms industry while it pretends to want to stop the war, and while the media spins all kinds of fantasies about what is really going on. Staunch defences are made for the right of some religions to exist and be practiced, while Christianity, for some reason is constantly slurred in television, movies and education, and even the number of Christian churches burning down is beginning to look suspicious.
Something undoubtedly is happening with regard to the food supply too, even beyond the broken supply chains which are blamed on lockdowns: Eating meat is the latest bogey-man to threaten end of the world, and the idea of eating crickets is constantly promoted. There has been a long series of accidents and disasters at food production facilities. The Dutch government (just for instance) has ordered the slaughter of half a million cows in the name of global warming, and now seeks to confiscate vast amounts of farmland. Meanwhile a certain Mr. Gates has become the biggest owner of farmland in the whole of USA. The same Mr. Gates however, apparently doesn’t want to farm - he is investing millions in ‘synthetic meat’ grown in industrial vats. Many media figures seem to support this, despite decades of evidence that every time we move food away from its natural state, we pay a heavy price in health.
And again the growing response:
A handful of courageous politicians have been emerging on both sides of the political divide, willing to vigorously work for the truth, take risks with their careers, and expose manipulations.10 The political attack on Dutch farming, already strenuously resisted for more than two years by the farmers themselves, recently culminated in the formation of ‘The Dutch Farmers Party’, so well supported by the public that it is now the biggest party in the upper house of the Dutch parliament. The new scam of ‘ESG’ is increasingly exposed for what it really is: At best a cynical ‘greenwash’ program to boost sales. And at worst, camouflage for the old fascistic principle of putting corporate business into the role of government.11 Studies have been published linking lab-grown meats with carcinogenic risks, and Italy for example is moving to ban them. Vastly more people (though perhaps still not enough) are becoming aware that the most of the big media outlets, in every country in the world, are controlled by the same small group of interests. With every passing year, greater and greater numbers of people become aware of the ‘loaded dice’ of the banking system, and even of the simple fact that technology has a dark side, as well its many conveniences, benefits and indispensable uses.
The first four months of 2023 have seen yet another vast wave of protest all across Europe, against a never-ending range of ‘New World Order’ initiatives. (Which yet again the ‘mainstream’ media is somewhat successful in making invisible).
Now that it has become indisputable that the W.H.O. is politically and commercially compromised,12 its manoeuvering for an autocratic global power-grab are being increasingly openly and directly challenged.13
Everywhere ‘the lie’ is being exposed. For sure that provokes further lies in the form of smears and slanders against those who dare to challenge ‘the great orchestrated voice’ which has been booming across the land - but it starts to become so blatant that more eyes are opened - and more join the quest for truth.
It is true that as people are overloaded with more crises, more lies, more uncertainty and instability, and then more crises, more lies and more uncertainty and instability, many are just tuning out. For those people, the never-ending stream of lies just blurs into the rest of the generalised virtual reality which characterises our times, and they just shut down. Yet while media independence has been busy disappearing, while corporate and governmental power has been busy merging into one, and so many have become numb or indifferent, something else has happened: Unprecedented numbers have gone the other way - they have been woken up by the growing absurdities and dangers - and they are not showing any signs of going back to sleep: For growing numbers of people, in line with a ‘meme’ I recently saw, “The new normal is fighting back”.
Brave individuals, some of them high profile and millions of them unknown citizens, have been stepping up to say ‘No, we won’t accept this.’ And little by little, inspired by their courage, others have been joining them. It has always been that way. Those who struggled over centuries for a world beyond feudalism didn’t know that they could win. They only knew what they had to do. Likewise those who fought World War Two. And those who eventually brought an end to institutional slavery. We are in this for the long haul, and an increasing number of people are ready and willing for that.
What's more, they are already having an impact. In no small part through their constant effort, growing numbers of public figures14 have openly reversed their position on a range of covid-related controversies, and millions of citizens are questioning things which they didn’t question before, and reversing formerly optimistic views on vaccine programs. But beyond even that they are now forcing admissions from more reluctant players: The recent exposure of former UK Health Minister Matt Hancock, and senior Pfizer executive Jordan Trishton Miller are but examples.15
Let there be no doubt that there are many reasons to recognise the continuing power and successes of those who stand behind that ‘great orchestrated voice’. Nonetheless, we should be encouraged by the visible signs of the limits to their competence. ‘The Elephant in the Womb Part Two’ will look in a little more detail at the evidence of those limits. But it will also take up another key theme of our times: The developing contest between the ‘top-down ideologues’ and geniune evolution toward greater ‘agency’ for citizens, and greater participation by the pubic in its own affairs.
Part Two, that is to say, will explore the most important theme of all: The way that the still-emerging ‘warrior elephant’ has begun to make its presence felt on a practical level, the long-term contest which has thus begun, and the various forms that the ‘alternative new normal’ could take from here.
Coming soon:
‘THE ELEPHANT IN THE WOMB PART TWO: The Push for Parallel Institutions.
UK excess deaths were still higher at the end of 2022 than at any time during the pandemic. Australia’s level of excess death in 2022 was the highest since World War Two - and remains highly elevated in 2023. Canada had a peak of excess deaths in 2022 which exceeded the high points of 2020 and 2021, and remains high (similar to 2020/2021) going into 2023. In Latvia, death rates rose only 4% in 2020, but another 18% in 2021, with the increase being sustained in 2022. As of February 2023, New Zealand was recording its highest levels of excess death in 100 years. These are only some examples. They have been variously attributed in the media to ‘inequality’, ‘heatwaves’ and ‘ending lockdown’, but with little to no evidence being referenced.
For example, Sweden’s birth rate, having increased slightly in 2021 compared to 2020, fell by 8.3% in 2022. Similar patterns occurred in Norway and Denmark. In Lithuania the fertility rate for 2021 was 9% lower than in 2020 and 17% lower than in 2019. The Australian Bureau of Statistics recorded a 71% drop in fertility for that country in November / December of 2022, compared to a rolling 10-year average. In the UK, a Freedom of Information request to one regional health body revealed that the number of early-term miscarriages doubled in 2022 compared to the previous four years. (2065 miscarriages compared to 1083, 1021, 1060 and 1011 in each of the four preceding years). In Scotland, infant deaths doubled during the period late 2021 / early 2022 (again compared to previous years), leading to a government investigation being launched early in 2023.
Immediately before the start of the pandemic, in October of 2019, 'pandemic preparedness exercise', called Event 201 was staged in New York by the World Economic Forum, Johns Hopkins University, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, as well as several big pharmaceutical companies and financial institutions. The exercise examined how markets, the media, the alternative media, the public etc, in the case of a global pandemic, would respond. Around the end of March 2020, economist Michel Chossudovsky made an interesting observation on the event, its timing and its participants: “…. what I am suggesting, without necessarily drawing conclusions, is that the organizations involved in the simulation, which was a detailed simulation with videos and so on examining what would happen to financial markets, what would happen to the media, to the independent media and so on – essentially the people involved in the simulation were also involved in the actual management of the pandemic once it went live”.
The colossal benefits to certain software, tech and pharmaceutical companies, as well as giants like Walmart and Amazon are obvious, but the hard numbers are even more impressive. In May of 2023, Robert F. Kennedy Junior reported that “during lockdown there was a four-trillion-dollar shift in weatlth from the American middle class to this new oligarchy”.
'The Twitter Files' is a name given to the extensive information released to the public by Elon Musk when he took over Twitter. It included a great deal of evidence of collusion between government, intelligence agencies a the 'pre-Musk Twitter' to control what could be said and by whom on that platform.
Dr. Richard Amerling, a former head of the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons recently stated that “The current system is so corrupt that we have to start from scratch and build something alongside, as an alternative”. Accordingly, many of the top medical professionals in the world have already begun to do exactly that. The past couple of years has seen the birth of numerous truly independent medical organisitions such as The World Council for Health, America’s Frontline Doctors, The Canadian Covid Alliance, The World Doctors Alliance, The Front Line Critical Covid Care Alliance, and others.
Again a small number of examples:
The Indian High Court has filed an international case in which Bill Gates and Adar Poonawalla (CEO of the Serum Institute of India, and board-member of the GAVI vaccine alliance) are charged with mass murder under Section 302, 115, etc. of the I.P.C. because of Section 120(B), 34, 109, etc. of the I.P.C.
An international group of around 100 lawyers supported by 100s of medical experts, led by German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich (who has led successful class actions against both Volkswagen and Deutschebank) has begun legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO and the Davos Group for fraud in relation to both PCR testing and orders issued to doctors to label any comorbidity death as a COVID death, as well as violations of Nuremberg in imposing experimental medical procedures.
The government of Thailand, after receiving extensive reports of deaths, heart problems, paralysis and spontaneous abortions, bravely set a far-reaching legal precedent by paying out extensive compensations to victims. The government's focus on the issue has been intensified since the King's 44 year-old, formerly fit and healthy daughter, shortly after her third shot, developed heart problems and fell into a coma. A major class action against Pfizer now looks likely.
A two-day ‘Covid Litigation Conference’ has been staged in Atlanta, Georgia.
10,000 Australian citizens are claiming against their government for vaccine injuries.
In the U.K., former policeman Mark Sexton has filed complaints at various police stations demanding that vaccination stations be investigated as crime-scenes. And a case has been filed with the International Criminal Court against alleged perpetrators of crimes against humanity, genocide, and violations of the Nuremberg Code. The case is brought by a group of activists which includes former Pfizer chief scientist turned whistle-blower Mike Yeadon and astro-physicist Piers Corbyn (brother of former Labour Party leader Jeremy Corby). Named defendants in the action include Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, former UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock, World Economic Forum head Klaus Schwab and W.H.O. head Tedros Adanhom.
In January 2023, a lawsuit was filed against ‘The Trusted News Initiative’ for collaborating to censor news in violation of both anti-trust laws and the U.S. constitution. ‘The Trusted News Initiative’ is a self-confessed industry partnership, and member organisations named as defendants in the lawsuit include Reuters, the BBC and the Washington Post. The action is brought by a group of plaintiffs which includes Senator Robert. F. Kennedy, the non-profit ‘Children’s Health Defence’, the science website ‘Trial Site News’ and a variety of independent journalists and medical doctors.
In March of 2023, the same group of plaintiffs filed a further action against the defendants including the US government and various federal agencies, alleging that they “waged a systematic, concerted campaign” against constitutionally protected free speech.
Those who have heard of none of these might reasonably wonder why these factual realities have not been mentioned in their regular news sources.
From late 2022 UK parliamentarian Andrew Bridgen began to raise in the house the question of highly elevated levels of excess death which were and are still ongoing - as well as the growing number of vaccine-related injuries and deaths. When he scheduled sessions in which he could present data for review, virtually no other MPs chose to attend. In January 2023 reasons were found, temporarily, to suspend Bridgen. Subsequently he claimed he had also been approached and asked what his silence would cost. In March, Bridgen again had a scheduled parliamentary session to raise such issues in the house. As he got up to speak, MPs on both sides of the house rose to leave. When two MPs on the opposition benches remained in their seats, a member from the government side crossed the aisle and with his head lowered, spoke inaudibly to them. They then got up and left. Dr. John Campbell, continuing his three-year long Youtube commentary on all things pandemic-related observed that it looked “almost as if the opposition is obeying exactly what the government benches have told them to do”. Despite this however, Bridgen is not entirely alone in is courageous determination simply to examine data and ask questions. Esther McVey MP, and Sir Christopher Chope, have also supported the call for honest examination of evidence. And former minister David Davis has stated in a 2023 interview that when he saw world class scientists being censored online, he reached the point where he understood that something was wrong.
Many countries are ending the rollout of some or all covid vaccines. Two counties in Florida have banned their use. Idaho has a bill in progress (no. 154) to ban their use.
New York State’s proposal for laws giving the state power to detain citizens in camps on the mere potential of having an infection has for now been blocked by a court ruling. Florida governor Ron DeSantis is moving to permanently ban vaccine mandates. Democrat presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is promising to end the unconstrained public advertising in which pharmaceutical companies freely engage, which in turn will stop the flow of 5 billion dollars a year from those companies to the media - which at present destroys any possibility of neutral reporting on such matters.
For example George Galloway, Tulsi Gabbaard, John F Kennedy Junior and Baroness Claire Fox on the left, Andrew Bridgen, Rand Paul, Kristi Noem and Sir Christopher Chope on the right. (Transcending the fruitless and counter-productive old game of believing that only one political ‘side’ can ever be rigth about anything is a core orientation of ‘World in Transition’).
'ESG' stands for 'Environmental, Social, and Governance'. It is a recent trend for big corporations to step into the world of politics and claim to be foremost concerned with the good of the people - while continuing, naturally enough, to actually put its own interests first. The exposure of its real nature is especially clear in Vivek Ramaswamy's recent book 'Woke, Inc'.
Anybody seriously interested in evaluating the truth of this assertion will find numerous sources of evidence. A particularly impactful example is offered here.
As plans continue for the W.H.O. to assume powers over national governments everywhere, they are increasingly directly confronted and called by their proper name. (Bureaucratic tyranny). The plans have recently come under attack in the small (but growing) independent media, the UK Parliament, the European Parliament, by leading doctors, in by a press conference given by a group of US congressional representatives, and elsewhere.
‘High-profile reversals of position’ could be a very long list. Once again, some examples will suffice:
UK media figure Piers Morgan has publicly disavowed his former zealotry in support of lockdowns and vaccine mandates, and confessed to have been wrong.
Dr. John Campbell, who presented scientific updates on the pandemic on weekly basis through the whole three years, to millions of YouTube followers, changed his perspective gradually but radically from around the middle of 2022. By early 2023 he offered his followers a public apology saying ‘I got it wrong’, and declaring that while he’d assumed that public health institutes were trustworthy and working in the public interest, and that he’d come to realise that that is not the case.
In Canada, Alberta Premier Danielle Smith has apologised for discrimination against the unvaccinated, and Ontario councillor Anne Tessier said of the vaccine mandate “I believe that this policy was mistakenly adopted 12 months ago… with all my heart, I extend my apologies to those who were affected negatively”
German |Health Minister Karl Lauterbach has admitted that the level of injury and death caused by the covid vaccines is higher than for other vaccines, and acknowledged the need for compensation. While playing down the problem as statistically still quite rare, he without knowing it, acknowledges numbers which even at their under-reported levels, were in fact twice the level at which the Canadian government (one of the toughest pro ‘covid measures’ governments in the world) had prohibited further use of the Astra Zeneca vaccine.
Dr. Robert Malone, a lifelong vaccine scientist who is actually an mRNA patent-holder, was himself double-vaccinated with covid vaccines. Having later become outspoken about the problematic nature of those products as the situation developed, he declared himself to deeply regret the earlier decision.
UK cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra, who began as a vocal campaigner in support of covid vaccines, later revised his position on the basis of emerging data and now campaigns for greater recognition the number of deaths and serious injuries that are emerging in the wake of the vaccine program.
The recent revelations of deeply disturbing behaviour by UK Health Minister Matt Hancock and Pfizer executive Jordan Trishton Walker (and the networks of people with which each was associated) are only two of a great many. Some of these scandalous revelations are likely part of what has come to be known as a ‘limited hangout’. It is a strategy long known to miscreants and criminals of all kinds, in which culprits, unable any longer to hide everything, ‘hang out’ one or two of their own to take the flack - but keep it carefully staged with the aim of giving public a small hint of the truth and justice they seek, but limiting the extent of it. Taking a bit of hit over here, while keeping plenty hidden over there.
Thus for example, the January 2023 leak of ‘Whatsapps’ sent and received by former UK Health Minister Matt Hancock (earlier found guilty of flagrantly disregarding the distancing rules he was imposing on the rest of the country): As a whole, the messages (dating from Hancock’s time in office) gave a picture of cynical manipulation and deliberate wish to maximise fear. In one message for instance Hancock had said that his objective was “to frighten the pants off everyone”. And in another, he asked the Department of Health’s media advisor, Damien Poole “when do we deploy the new variant?”.
Yet while politicians and media companies who had themselves extensively participated in such behaviour, and in many cases still do, were happy to join the general condemnations of the terrible Mr. Hancock, they ensured that there was not much discussion of the motives, or of who else knew (both in politics and the media), or of the newly-taboo subject of on-going excess deaths, or the key decision makers in the UK government who were making decisions on vaccines whilst being in possession of lucrative shareholdings in the companies making them.
The orchestrated focus on the ‘Hancock leaks’ even extended far enough to enable the media to remain silent on another issue which emerged very shortly afterward: Senior Pfizer scientist Jordan Trishton Walker admitting in a clandestine recording that the company was involved in the deliberate cultivation of viruses for which they would then be able to provide vaccines. Shocking, but verifiably true.