It's downright scary how quickly the criminalization of truth tellers is ramping up. Thank you for sharing your unique three-fold view of what's happening -- I so appreciate the perspective you take, Michael!

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The basis of Anglo Saxon Law is consent. Increasingly those 'drunk' on power and regulation are ignoring the plank that supports democracy. I have no idea id Brand is good bad or plain stupid. I do know that an anonymous complaint, sometimes a decade or more after the alleged offence goes against common sense and natural justice. It is part of our system the we should know and confront our accusers. Trial by media to satisfy the salacious appetites of those who spend their lives glued to smartphones is a travesty.

We have a judicial system to deal with transgression. The MSM and Social Media by seeking to abrogate that are endangering everyone's freedom including their own. They reflect the twitching curtain syndrome of Nazi Germany where then game was a state where no one had rights unless the believed in the creed.

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